Tuesday, August 28, 2007

H & G ( Hello and Goodbye)

Ok, so of course we all agree that friends take huge parts in our life. Old friends, new friends, best friends, each of them always have ways to fill our needs, not our emptiness (Gibran). They also are the ones whom we share our laughters or sadness with. Can you imagine living without them? I imagine living without friends would make me feel alone even though thousands of people are around me; also beautiful things wouldn't matter because we have no one to share it with.

Anyways, if you are wondering why this entry is called H&G, they are actually the thing that i love the most but i hate them at the same time. Confusing right? Ok I'll try to explain.
"Hello" represents meeting new people, building relationships, getting to know your friends more, etc2. Sounds like fun? but the not so fun part about "hello" is that someday, or any day, there will be a "goodbye" following that hello. This would probably never cross your mind, but seriously, eventually you WILL have to say goodbye to the people you love someday. This thought never came to my mind; until tonight i actually went to the airport to send one of my close friend away because she is moving to another country far far away to pursue a better education. Before this, i never actually thought that i will be apart from my high school friends. Reality just suddenly slaps me and reminded me that time flies so fast. I mean you might think that you will be together forever with your friend but the next day *poof* they're gone! I realized that we only have two more years until we have to go to college and go our own ways; then there will be more "hello"s which will most likely be followed by even more "goodbye"s. Sad to think about it, but glad at the same time.

But wait, if you think we're gonna be left with nothing, then think again. I will have to remind you that "hello" will remain forever in our heart and memory. Its as if it was carved and its gonna leave a mark somewhere in your life. It means THAT much, so it won't fade away so easily. On the other hand, " goodbye" only means that we are separated by physical space. But actually we'll always gonna be stay close together because we live in each other's heart. And if your friendship is strong enough, you will always have each other's back to lean on to.

So worry not, for the strength of our friendship is determined by how faithful are you guys willing to stay on your commitment. And also how understanding you are of each other; to be there if one of you needs the other. Also in this modern era, communication is never going to be a problem. So long as you keep in touch, there's no such thing as "we're not friends anymore because she/he live so far away". Its not a good enough reason to break the friendship bond you created. Watching your best friend's back as they slowly get farther from your sight might hurt so bad. It might even cause you to cry a gallon of tears ( as i did myself earlier tonight --").
But the friendship we have built together will always last.

As a famous poet Kahlil Gibran once said in his book The Prophet (I rephrase it using my own words by the way :p) :

"When separating with your friends, you will not suffer. Because what you cherish the most from them will be clearly seen in their absence; just like a mountain that is clearly seen from a desert"



What Would Jessica Do? said...
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What Would Jessica Do? said...

very touching; shows how valuable friends can be even in such instant moments of our lives as it gives a whole new meaning in the reality of friendship or more likely, someone whom you grew together with. - wow...*you're making me cry*

Arnold Smith said...

"I mean you might think that you will be together forever with your friend but the next day *poof* they're gone!"

come on... not the next day...

being friends forever could sometimes be true... but the forever probably means while you still set foot on the earth... but anyways great post..