Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Yoga : Exhausting Relaxation

Tonight my mom asked me to go with her to a yoga class at a sport club nearby. I have never been in a yoga class before, so i thought all you have to do is sit down, relax and do some strerching and then relax again. Since i had no idea how practicing yoga would feel like, i decided it wouldnt hurt to try this time. But my assumption turns out to be wrong. It was not just stretching and relax; in fact it felt as tiring as if i had just practiced tennis or went swimming. Probably this first try felt really tiring because my muscles are so tense and stiff that i couldn't even feel relaxed during the while practice. But i tried to think optimistically and there are actually positive benefits and purposes of practicing yoga.

In ancient hindu religion, Yoga is believed to be an exercise to meditate and focus our concentration to the nature surrounding us. These practices are also believed to gain our understanding of the world through our mind. The word “yoga” comes from the sanskirt language, and it means to unite or to control (yoga). In a more religious view, yoga is practices to worship the Hindu Gods because they believe that this activity helps them to have a more intimate relationship with their Godesses.

Nowadays, yoga exercises were done by people plainly for the purpose of health. Some movements in the exercise can actually help to improve our concentration skills, and it could also help us relax our minds. In yoga, controling our respiration is very important. We have to follow a certain beat and inhale or exhale at the exact right time and we have to do it at the exact amount of time while doing certain exercises. It is also im portant to have a really good balance within your body and flexibility would really help in doing yoga exercises.

Out of many different movements in yoga exercise, some movements are believed to have medical purposes because they have the ability to help heal back problems like scoliosis. Those exercises streched our muscles and it effects the shape of the bones as well. It is also highly recomended to do yoga because it has been prooved to improve the metabolism of the human body and of course it burn calories.

So i highly reccomend all of you readers to try practicing yoga for all the reasons i have written above. It is a calorie burning exercise, but also a stress reliever!


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